Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD) Manufacturers

Welcome to Acmefil, the leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality agitated thin film dryers (ATFD) and agitated thin film evaporators (ATFE). We design our state-of-the-art agitated thin film dryers to deliver exceptional performance and reliability. As industry experts, we understand the critical role of efficient drying and evaporation processes in various sectors. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to providing top-notch solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Acmefil’s high-performance agitated thin film dryers (ATFD) and evaporators (ATFE), designed for efficient drying and evaporation in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and waste management industries. Trust our expertise and advanced technology for reliable, energy-efficient solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today!

What is an Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD)?

An agitated thin film dryer (ATFD), also known as an agitated thin film evaporator (ATFE), specializes in the continuous processing of viscous, heat-sensitive, and fouling materials. This innovative technology ensures the efficient removal of solvents from solutions, slurries, and suspensions, making it ideal for various applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and waste management industries.

How Does an Agitated Thin Film Dryer Work?

An agitated thin film dryer (ATFD) operates by creating a thin film of the material to be dried on a heated surface. The process involves:

  1. Feed Introduction: We introduce the feed material into the ATFD through an inlet at the top.
  2. Film Formation: The material spreads into a thin film on the heated surface, thanks to the rotor blades’ agitation.
  3. Evaporation: The heat applied to the surface causes the solvent to evaporate, leaving behind the concentrated or dried product.
  4. Product Discharge: We collect the dried or concentrated product at the bottom and discharge it continuously.

This method ensures uniform heat transfer, minimizing thermal degradation of heat-sensitive materials and reducing the risk of fouling.

Advantages of Using Agitated Thin Film Dryers

  1. Efficiency: ATFDs provide efficient solvent removal, leading to high-quality end products.
  2. Versatility: These dryers handle a wide range of materials, including viscous and heat-sensitive substances.
  3. Continuous Operation: ATFDs ensure a steady and continuous process, enhancing productivity.
  4. Compact Design: They occupy less space compared to traditional drying methods.
  5. Energy Savings: ATFDs reduce energy consumption due to efficient heat transfer.

Applications of Agitated Thin Film Dryers

Agitated thin film dryers (ATFD) serve various industries, including:

  • Chemical Industry: We use ATFDs for the concentration and drying of chemical solutions and slurries.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: ATFDs dry active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and other sensitive materials.
  • Food Industry: They concentrate fruit juices, dairy products, and other food ingredients.
  • Waste Management: ATFDs treat and concentrate industrial effluents and waste streams.

Why Choose Acmefil for Your Agitated Thin Film Dryer Needs?

At Acmefil, we pride ourselves on being the go-to agitated thin film dryer manufacturers. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. Here’s why you should choose Acmefil:

  1. Expertise and Experience: With years of industry experience, our team handles your specific requirements effectively.
  2. Customized Solutions: We offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
  3. Cutting-Edge Technology: We design our agitated thin film dryers using the latest technology to provide superior performance.
  4. Quality Assurance: We adhere to stringent quality control measures to ensure our products meet the highest standards.
  5. Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team always stands ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.

The Design and Components of Agitated Thin Film Dryers

An agitated thin film dryer consists of several key components that work together to ensure efficient drying and evaporation:

  1. Heated Cylindrical Body: The main body forms and heats the thin film.
  2. Rotor with Agitating Blades: The rotor blades continuously agitate the film, ensuring uniform distribution and preventing fouling.
  3. Feed Inlet and Distribution System: This system ensures the material spreads evenly onto the heated surface.
  4. Heating System: The heating system provides the necessary heat for evaporation, often using steam, hot oil, or electric heaters.
  5. Vapor Outlet: The vapor outlet allows the evaporated solvent to escape, often connected to a condenser system.
  6. Product Discharge System: The product discharge system continuously removes the concentrated or dried product from the bottom.

Maintenance and Operational Tips

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your agitated thin film dryer, consider the following maintenance and operational tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the dryer periodically to prevent buildup and fouling.
  • Monitor Operating Conditions: Keep an eye on temperature, pressure, and feed rates to ensure consistent performance.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Regularly lubricate the rotor and other moving parts to reduce wear and tear.
  • Inspect Seals and Gaskets: Check for any leaks or wear in seals and gaskets to maintain efficiency.
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Follow a scheduled maintenance plan to address any potential issues before they become major problems.

Innovations and Technological Advancements in Agitated Thin Film Dryers

At Acmefil, we commit to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in agitated thin film dryers. Our continuous investment in research and development has led to several innovations that enhance the performance and efficiency of our ATFDs.

  1. Advanced Control Systems: Our agitated thin film dryers feature state-of-the-art control systems that allow precise monitoring and adjustment of operating parameters. This ensures optimal drying conditions and maximizes efficiency.
  2. Enhanced Heat Transfer: We have incorporated advanced materials and designs to improve heat transfer within the dryer. This not only enhances the drying process but also reduces energy consumption.
  3. Modular Design: Our ATFDs feature a modular design that allows for easy scalability and customization. Whether you need a small-scale unit or a large industrial system, we can provide a solution that fits your needs.
  4. Energy Recovery Systems: To further improve energy efficiency, our dryers can be equipped with energy recovery systems that capture and reuse heat, reducing overall energy consumption.

Choosing the Right Agitated Thin Film Dryer for Your Needs

Selecting the right agitated thin film dryer for your specific application is crucial for achieving optimal results. At Acmefil, we understand that each customer has unique requirements. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an ATFD:

  1. Material Characteristics: Consider the properties of the material you need to dry, such as viscosity, heat sensitivity, and fouling tendencies. This will help determine the appropriate design and specifications for your ATFD.
  2. Production Capacity: Assess your production needs to ensure that the dryer can handle the required throughput. Our modular designs allow for easy scalability to accommodate different production volumes.
  3. Operating Environment: Take into account the operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. Our advanced control systems can adapt to varying conditions to maintain optimal performance.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Evaluate the energy efficiency of the dryer to minimize operational costs. Our energy recovery systems and advanced heat transfer technologies can significantly reduce energy consumption.
  5. Maintenance Requirements: Consider the maintenance needs of the dryer to ensure minimal downtime and long-term reliability. Our ATFDs are designed for easy maintenance and include features that simplify cleaning and servicing.

Contact Us

If you are looking for reliable and efficient agitated thin film dryers, Acmefil is your trusted partner. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with all your drying and evaporation needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

General FAQs

An agitated thin film dryer (ATFD) is a specialized piece of equipment designed for the continuous processing of viscous, heat-sensitive, and fouling materials. It efficiently removes solvents from solutions, slurries, and suspensions by creating a thin film on a heated surface.

An ATFD works by introducing the feed material into the dryer, spreading it into a thin film on a heated surface through agitation by rotor blades, evaporating the solvent, and continuously discharging the concentrated or dried product.

You can use an agitated thin film evaporator (ATFE) in various industries such as chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food production, and waste management to efficiently dry and concentrate solutions, slurries, and heat-sensitive materials.

The benefits of using an ATFD include high efficiency in solvent removal, versatility in handling different materials, continuous operation for enhanced productivity, compact design, and reduced energy consumption.

You can process a wide range of materials with an ATFE, including viscous solutions, heat-sensitive substances, and fouling materials. It is suitable for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food products, and industrial effluents.

To maintain an ATFD, you should regularly clean the dryer to prevent buildup, monitor operating conditions, lubricate moving parts, inspect seals and gaskets, and follow a scheduled maintenance plan.

The main difference is that an ATFD operates continuously with a thin film formation on a heated surface, ensuring efficient and uniform drying, while traditional dryers may use batch processing and can be less efficient with heat-sensitive or viscous materials.

An ATFE is highly energy-efficient due to its advanced heat transfer technology and the possibility of incorporating energy recovery systems, which capture and reuse heat, thus reducing overall energy consumption.

Industries that commonly use agitated thin film dryers include chemical manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and waste management. These dryers are ideal for applications requiring efficient and gentle drying of sensitive materials.

To choose the right ATFD, consider the material characteristics, production capacity, operating environment, energy efficiency, and maintenance requirements. Customization options and modular designs can also help meet specific application needs.