
Welcome to Acmefil, where we lead the market in evaporator systems. As the leading manufacturer of high-quality evaporators, we take pride in delivering top-notch products that meet your industrial needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of evaporators, exploring their functions, applications, and the different types available in the market.

What are Evaporators?

Evaporators are essential devices in various industries, designed to remove water or other solvents from a solution by converting them into vapor. This process is crucial in industries such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and waste management. By efficiently separating the liquid from the solid components, evaporators help concentrate substances, reduce waste volume, and recover valuable solvents.

How Do Evaporators Work?

Evaporators operate on the principle of heat transfer and phase change. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the evaporation process:

  1. Heat Input: We apply heat to the solution, typically through steam or hot water.
  2. Boiling: The heat causes the solvent (usually water) to boil and transform into vapor.
  3. Vapor Separation: We separate the vapor from the remaining concentrated solution.
  4. Condensation: We then condense the vapor back into liquid form for reuse or disposal.

The efficiency and effectiveness of an evaporator depend on its design, type, and the specific requirements of the application.

Types of Evaporators

There are several types of evaporators, each suited for different applications and industries. At Acmefil, we specialize in manufacturing a wide range of evaporators to meet diverse industrial needs. Let’s explore the main types of evaporators:

  1. Falling Film Evaporators
  2. Thin Film Evaporators
  3. Forced Circulation Evaporators
  4. Wiped Film Evaporators
  5. Agitated Thin Film Evaporators
  6. Multi-Effect Evaporators

1. Falling Film Evaporators

We use falling film evaporators in industries where gentle heat treatment and short residence time are crucial. These evaporators distribute the liquid evenly over the inner surface of vertical tubes. The liquid forms a thin film, which flows downward under the influence of gravity. As it descends, the liquid heats up, causing the solvent to evaporate.


  • High heat transfer efficiency
  • Suitable for heat-sensitive materials
  • Minimal fouling and scaling


  • Dairy and food industries
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Chemical processing

2. Thin Film Evaporators

We design thin film evaporators, also known as wiped film evaporators, for the efficient evaporation of highly viscous and heat-sensitive products. These evaporators form a thin film of the liquid on a heated surface. A rotating wiper or blade spreads the liquid into a thin film, enhancing heat transfer and preventing fouling.


  • Effective for high-viscosity solutions
  • Low thermal degradation of products
  • Continuous operation


  • Distillation of heat-sensitive compounds
  • Concentration of viscous solutions
  • Solvent recovery

3. Forced Circulation Evaporators

We recommend forced circulation evaporators for handling solutions with a high tendency to scale or crystallize. These evaporators use a pump to circulate the liquid through a heat exchanger, where it heats up before entering the evaporator body. The heated liquid then flashes into vapor, and the process repeats.


  • Handles scaling and fouling liquids efficiently
  • High heat transfer rates
  • Suitable for large-scale operations


  • Wastewater treatment
  • Chemical manufacturing
  • Brine concentration

4. Wiped Film Evaporators

We specialize in wiped film evaporators for processing high-viscosity and heat-sensitive materials. These evaporators use a rotating wiper to spread the liquid into a thin film on the heated surface. The thin film allows for rapid evaporation and minimizes thermal degradation.


  • Handles viscous and heat-sensitive materials
  • High evaporation rates
  • Continuous operation with minimal maintenance


  • Pharmaceutical production
  • Essential oil extraction
  • Polymer and resin processing

5. Agitated Thin Film Evaporators

We use agitated thin film evaporators for highly viscous and foaming liquids. These evaporators include additional mechanical agitation, which enhances the heat transfer and evaporation rates.


  • Enhanced heat transfer
  • Suitable for foaming and highly viscous liquids
  • Minimal fouling


  • Concentration of polymer solutions
  • Processing of heat-sensitive materials
  • Solvent recovery

6. Multi-Effect Evaporators

We design multi-effect evaporators to improve energy efficiency by using the vapor generated in one effect as the heating medium for the next effect. These evaporators consist of multiple stages or effects, where each subsequent effect operates at a lower pressure.


  • High energy efficiency
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Suitable for large-scale applications


  • Desalination of seawater
  • Concentration of fruit juices
  • Wastewater treatment

7. Rising Film Systems

Rising film systems are ideal for liquids that tend to foam. In these devices, the liquid is introduced at the bottom of the vertical tubes and heated. As it heats up, vapor forms and pushes the liquid upward, creating a thin film that evaporates quickly.


  • Effective for foaming liquids
  • High heat transfer efficiency
  • Quick evaporation


  • Concentration of fruit juices
  • Dairy product processing
  • Chemical solutions

Benefits of Using Acmefil Evaporators

Choosing Acmefil evaporators brings numerous benefits to your industrial processes:

  • Efficiency: We design our evaporators to maximize heat transfer and minimize energy consumption, ensuring efficient operation.
  • Quality: We use high-grade materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to deliver durable and reliable evaporators.
  • Customization: We offer tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance for your applications.
  • Support: Our team of experts provides comprehensive support, from installation to maintenance, ensuring seamless operation of your evaporators.

Applications of Evaporators

Evaporators find applications in various industries due to their versatility and efficiency. Here are some of the key applications:

  • Food and Beverage Industry : In the food and beverage industry, we use evaporators for concentrating juices, dairy products, and other liquid foods. They help in removing excess water, enhance the flavor, and increase the shelf life of products.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical manufacturing requires precise control over the concentration of active ingredients. Our evaporators are essential in producing high-purity concentrates and extracts, ensuring the effectiveness of medications.
  • Chemical Industry: In the chemical industry, we use evaporators for concentrating chemicals, recovering solvents, and treating waste streams. They play a crucial role in producing high-quality chemical products.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Evaporators effectively reduce the volume of wastewater by removing excess water. This process helps manage waste more efficiently and recover valuable resources from wastewater streams.
  • Desalination: We use evaporators in desalination plants to remove salt and other impurities from seawater, producing fresh water for industrial and domestic use.

Why Choose Acmefil?

At Acmefil, we commit to delivering the best evaporators that meet your industrial needs. Here’s why you should choose us:

  1. Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we have the expertise to design and manufacture high-quality evaporators.
  2. Innovation: We continuously innovate to bring the latest technologies and advancements to our products, ensuring superior performance.
  3. Customization: We understand that every application is unique, and we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
  4. Quality Assurance: Our products undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the highest standards of performance and durability.
  5. Customer Support: Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you with any queries or issues, ensuring smooth and efficient operation of your evaporators.


Evaporators are indispensable in various industrial processes, from concentrating solutions to recovering valuable solvents. At Acmefil, we offer a wide range of evaporators, including falling film, thin film, forced circulation, wiped film, agitated thin film, and multi-effect evaporators. Each type has its unique advantages and applications, ensuring we can meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Choosing Acmefil means choosing quality, efficiency, and reliability. Our evaporators deliver optimal performance, reduce operational costs, and enhance your industrial processes. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you achieve your goals with our state-of-the-art evaporators.

General FAQ

The best type of evaporator depends on your specific application and requirements. Consult with our experts to determine the ideal choice for your needs.

An evaporator works by applying heat to a solution, causing the solvent to vaporize and separate from the concentrated solution.

An evaporator removes water or other solvents from a solution, concentrates substances, reduces waste volume, and recovers valuable solvents.

The primary objectives are to concentrate liquids, reduce waste, and recover solvents efficiently.


Yes, certain types, like falling film and thin film evaporators, are designed to handle heat-sensitive materials effectively.

Consider factors like the nature of your solution, desired concentration, heat sensitivity, and operational scale. Our team can help you make the right choice.


Regular maintenance includes cleaning, inspecting for wear and tear, checking seals, and ensuring all components function correctly.

Choose Acmefil for our expertise, innovative designs, high-quality materials, customization options, and excellent customer support.

We offer falling film, thin film, forced circulation, wiped film, agitated thin film, and multi-effect evaporators.